Thursday, March 29, 2007

I found the graphic organizer program-bubble-us-fun to use. I think I'm going to try it with students tomorrow. Unfortunately the program wasn't working for some of us which brings to mind of how fabulous technology can be but also extremely frustrating when it doesn't work for us. This is the second time today I have struggled with the new technology available....I was having a fight with our scanning machine today. Make that the third.... I love all of the new things I'm learning that Microsoft Word can do such as highlighting, creating callouts, and summarizing text, but I'm having difficulty trying to find out how to do this using the laptops! Aargh
Thanks for all the new info!

1 comment:

skoelker said...

I really do know what you are feeling, Lisa. I've pulled my little bit of hair out (maybe that's why there's so little) over tech issues many times over the years. All part of learning, though. We want things to go easily and predictably, but that seldom happens. The trick is to stick with what you believe will be best for you and stay with it until you know it well.
I'll have a note about to share with everyone in class today.
