Monday, March 19, 2007

Now that I'm sharing my thoughts with others I try to at least portray myself as someone who is slightly intelligent and it's not always that easy at 6:30. Wicki's are cool and I would like to try one with my class. I agree that if you try to research all the new technology before trying it you may just keep putting it off. I like the approach of jumping in and just doing it. I'm starting two new units in math and science and we are using techniques I learn in this class every day. I do no work ahead of time....we work together as students and teacher to teach each other new information.

1 comment:

skoelker said...

I'm up for jumping in, too, Lisa. Just have to have a flexible attitude so when (not if) things don't go exactly as planned, you can adjust and learn from it. Your willingness to learn with kids is so important and missing for so many teachers. Our passion should be for learning (lighting the fire again and again) instead of controlling the information, no?
