Wednesday, April 11, 2007

I think that's funny that Steve found the Mother's Day YouTube video....that's one of my favorites. I don't watch TV so one of my modes of entertainment is often the internet and YouTube. People are so creative and some of the videos are's a lifesaver to me when I've had a tough day. Another funny website is's about a group a people that create skits and perform them in public. The last took place in Washington DC...the group pretended that there was a hypnotist hypnotizing all these people to do these crazy things and then the hypnotist just left without unhypnotizing the was all a set up...even the people in the crowd that gathered that the hypnotist chose. Funny.
I also was able to set up an account to share my bookmarks...very useful! Thanks! I've been wanting to save and share my bookmarks because I find them very useful and am hoping to find other bookmarks to save that other people have found.

1 comment:

Mrs. Burns said...

Delicious is great fun and very useful. Glad you like it. I had forgotten the Mother's Day video, as I hadn't seen it for a while, but it is funny. I'll have to try, too. I don't watch TV either, but am more apt to read than get on the internet...too much of that at work!
Happy break.